“For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
Have you been looking for a short book to give to your friends and family that presents the true Gospel of God's love and grace? I think this is the book for you. I answer two questions... Who is Jesus? Why do bad things happen? I want to help you reach your friends and family with the true Gospel.
Christians have misrepresented God for too long. God is not hard to understand, he is a loving father that wants good things for his kids. He gave us a perfect planet and we’ve messed it up. He took steps to repair our relationship and He created a new way to live with him forever. If you like things clear and simple, this is the book for you. Walk away with a clear understanding of Jesus and a solid answer to the question, why do bad things happen.
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11
★★★★★ Amazon Review
This book is a simple to read Gospel 101 , as a ministry we buy this book and keep it in stock just for hand outs when doing street ministry as well seminars and thank you gifts. Clint Byars has really captured the love of God in a way everyone will celebrate no matter what your religious background, even if you don't have one. BUY This Book.
★★★★★ Amazon Review
This book holds the key and insight to a life changing experience! Put into words that will reach the older generation as well as our youth and young-ones. This resource is a great way to begin an in-home Bible Study or Sunday School class. Focusing on all that Jesus has done for us. An easy read for everyone!!!
★★★★★ Amazon Review
Great book with Help, Help, Help throughout!
★★★★★ Amazon Review
I love this little book! Had to give this one a 5 star rating! The Gospel is simple. It is LOVE! This book answers some questions everyone might have struggled with at some point. I know for me it really gave me a foundation of how much God loves us and is constantly seeking to bless us! A great book to pass along!
★★★★★ Amazon Review
This little book is a great resource. I love handing these out to people. The image of God that many Christians and non-Christians alike have about God is truly heartbreaking. Many of us have not walked in freedom because of our false beliefs. This is an easy to read book. I highly recommend for new Christians, non- Christians or even if you have been a Christian for decades. You will however want to order more than one. It is indeed "Good News" and you will want to share it.