IN CHRIST: A Meditation Devotional In Your New Creation Identity In Christ
Includes a large list of in Christ, in him, and many other identity passages.
You are a new creation in Christ. Through Christ, God has forgiven you. He has washed you with the blood of Christ to make you holy. He has given you a new heart. He has placed His spirit in you. He has given you a new heart that knows how to follow Him.
He has made you acceptable forever. He has delivered you from the power of darkness and translated you into the kingdom of His dear son Jesus. He has given you His kingdom as an inheritance. He has hidden you in Him with Christ. He has seated you with Christ in Heavenly places.
He has given you power to do what Jesus did. He works with you, confirming His Word. He gives you wisdom and strength. He gives you the power to get wealth. He has made you great and precious promises so you would be a partaker of His divine nature.
This is your new creation identity in Christ. This is the new you or the new man! This resource book will help you put on the new self, created after God's likeness in true righteousness and holiness.
You’ll receive 2 PDFs when you purchase the eBook, including the King James and Amplified versions.