LIVING FROM THE HEART: The Secret to Lasting Transformation

Paul’s Prophetic Lens Book is Now Available!!

Living from the Heart

The Secret to Lasting Transformation

Living from the Heart cover.jpg
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $10.00


  1. Understanding the Heart (FREE Below)

  2. Your Heart Determines the Degree of the Kingdom You’ll Experience

  3. Loving God with Every Aspect of Your Being

  4. Look at Unseen Eternal Truth

  5. Neuroscience Verifies the Process of Transformation Through Repentance

  6. The Responsibility of Liberty

  7. Faith In Your Heart Is The Evidence Your Mind Needs to Receive What You’re Expecting

  8. The Power That Transforms The Heart

  9. Our Love Will Testify of Jesus As We Partner in Faith

  10. Choosing Your Thought Life to Experience Strength in Weakness

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. and I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and to carefully observe My ordinances.
— Ezekiel 36:26-27

Jesus said we would have the foundation to understand all his teachings if we understood the parable of the sower and the seed in Mark 4. He calls it the mystery of the kingdom.

By His grace, God spreads the seed of his Word (Jesus) in your heart, and the receptiveness of our heart determines the degree to which his seed (Christ) will take root and grow in your life. The receptivity of your heart is your responsibility.

Jesus then says, “take heed what you hear, for the measure you meet will be measured back to you.” It’s not God doing the “measuring,” it’s you. The degree of intention and meditation you give to His Word in your heart will affect your earthly experience of His Heavenly Kingdom.

At the end of the parable, Jesus tells us how the seed/Word works. “It’s like a farmer who sows a seed, sleeps and wakes up to find the seed has reproduced after its own kind and he knows not how.” The Word is at work in your life through your heart. Guard your heart with all diligence because it affects every area of your life.

You may be thinking “but my heart is wicked.” That used to be true, but God gave you a new heart when you were born again. This new heart is in direct communication with God’s spirit, which now lives in you. I want to help you sharpen the spiritual vision of your heart. You see God with the eyes of your heart, you can intentionally turn your gave toward Him and His Word/Life will transform you and manifest into every area of your life.

It’s not your job to make the seed (kingdom) grow in your life. It does that on its own, but the receptiveness of your heart determines how much of it you’ll allow to grow in your life. The receptiveness of your heart is developed as you become whole through God’s love shed abroad in your heart. You can never earn blessing or qualify for more of God, but the confidence of your heart in His character will limit or allow His presence to influence and move in your life.

Let me help you become confident in God’s Word in your heart!! It is growing, learn to harmonize with Him and watch His seed bear fruit after it’s own kind in your entire life.

Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
— Ephesians 4:23-24

This series describes the function of grace in your new heart and teaches you how to yield to the influence of the free gift of righteousness that you receive through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. When you understand the role of the heart in your experience of the kingdom, you will be empowered and inspired to dig the roots of your heart into the indwelling presence of God and discover the ever-present transformative power of God.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
— Proverbs 4:23
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $10.00