Nurture Your Spiritual Desires

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Nurture Your Spiritual Desires

You can overcome ALL temptation when you know how to remain patient and control your thoughts. You can nurture your spiritual desires and not give in to your carnal desires. Discover the power of your spiritual desires!!
— Clint Byars
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  1. Overcoming Temptation and Unbelief

  2. Nurturing Spiritual Desires

  3. How to Think Spiritually and Have Life and Peace

  4. Your Thoughts and Words Have the Power of Life and Death

  5. The Body of Christ Carries the Heritage to be a Blessing to All Nations

  6. God Placed Heaven In Your Heart

All of your desires are God-given, but the way you try to express them may be problematic. You can redeem your desires and experience the fruit of healthy spiritual desires.

Here’s an example of a lesson from this series; when you're tempted or under a trial, you can turn to God's spirit within you and allow patience to bear fruit. Patience will eliminate most of your temptations. If you can wait a few minutes, or however long you need to clear your emotions and desires from the forefront, you can make a decision based on wisdom rather than emotion and desire. Once you've allowed patience to bear fruit in the face of temptation, your heart and mind will be more clear to apply God's instruction, which is wisdom. And God will always respond and lead you into truth.

The key is being willing to put God’s influence into practice. Otherwise, you will have trouble hearing and following God from your heart.

Our goal is to desire what God desires for us. I’m sure that you agree that sin is terrible and to be avoided at all costs. But what about fear, worry, and doubt? Those are thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that are perversions of spiritual desires as well.

Every time you feel yourself nurturing anxiety, fear, doubt, or worry, remember that it’s a God-given desire that you are using improperly. You can shift your focus and change your inner state by asking God for wisdom. God gave us His written Word to help in this process as well. He saw ahead and made provision for us in every situation, even global pandemics.

I pray this series equips you to apply God’s wisdom to your natural thought process as you find a way to be shaped by God’s nature within, to the point that you experience the fulfillment of your desires fruitfully.

Articles From This Series