
You Hear God Better When You're Aware of Your Sonship

You Hear God Better When You're Aware of Your Sonship

This message brings my Becoming Limitless series to a close, This series is about eliminating those internal limitations that keep us from following God. This series is not about getting rich and living your dreams, this series is about living FROM purpose and fulfilling those God given assignments in your life.

You are complete in Christ, doing things for him do not define you, but God does have things he wants you to do for him and his kingdom, and the fulfillment of those assignments increases his kingdom and brings great joy and fulfillment.

So what does he want you to do?

I personally think you can discern those assignments in an environment of love for others. In this series I suggest that you define who you love for your own understanding, and then take practical steps to act out that love for that people group, bringing the Gospel, meeting practical needs and prayerfully affecting them in such a way they turn to Jesus.

There’s a Difference Between Dreams and Assignments from God

There’s a Difference Between Dreams and Assignments from God

Assignments from God are completed FROM identity, not FOR identity. Once you know that you are already a child in his kingdom (by grace through faith), he equips you as an ambassador to complete assignments.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

An assignment from God has to do with those good works you were created unto. An assignment has to do with those works God has prepared for you to do. An assignment is something God wants you to do as an ambassador of his kingdom. God may have multiple assignments for you throughout your life, some are fulfilled in a day, some are walked out over a lifetime.

God has things he wants you to do, don’t you want to do them?

Confess The Word of God to Renew Your Mind and Be Transformed

Confess The Word of God to Renew Your Mind and Be Transformed

You are transformed as you renew your mind (Romans 12:2). There is no better source for mind-renewal than the word of God.

There are several methods and applications to root the word in your heart. You can read, pray, meditate, confess, incorporate into art, listen to, and sing songs about the word of God, but in all of those you must hold the word in your heart to give it time to root and bear fruit.

I want to focus on the power of confession in this article. For a little more context, I am discussing confession in light of renewing your mind and developing confidence in the area of your assignment from God.

Watch This Powerful Video of A Seed Growing to Understand How God’s Word Works in Your Heart

Watch This Powerful Video of A Seed Growing to Understand How God’s Word Works in Your Heart

When you remember that you’re forgiven and God has cleansed you from your sins, you are free to live untethered. The strength of sin of the law but the strength of righteousness is freedom. (See last week’s article for more on this idea).

From there on you have to guard your heart against the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world, as well as not yield your body to sin. You do so to keep your heart and conscience clear to hear and follow God’s instructions.

There is a responsibility to freedom. True freedom does not seek permissiveness, it seeks righteousness.

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Growing and Succeeding

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Growing and Succeeding

When you try to grow and move beyond your current place in life, you may experience limiting beliefs that try to keep you stuck. The good news is, if you know it’s coming, you can be prepared to face and overcome those internal limitations.

Insecurities, past failures, things said to you by parents, fear about money - all kinds of things may rise up in your thinking and attempt to derail you from growing and moving forward. The key is to know who you are in Christ, remember that you’re forgiven, and be honest with yourself. What do you do when you try to move forward and face internal opposition?

How to Always be Effective and Fruitful

How to Always be Effective and Fruitful

Do you want to always be fruitful and effective? Do this:

Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:5-8

Peter says if you do these things it will keep you from being ineffective and unfruitful.

I think we’d all agree these are good qualities that every Jesus follower should have in their lives. So what does it mean if you do not have these qualities, what should you do? Does it mean you need to work harder to be a better Christian? Let’s see…