Knowledge doesn't produce transformation. Truth alone doesn't produce transformation. But when you internalize truth to the point of invoking an emotional response, you have engaged true mind renewal that can and will produce deep, healthy, profound and lasting transformation. So how do you emotionally invest in the Word of God? Look at Joshua 1:8.
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Joshua was the young man that took over for Moses. Joshua had watched Moses slay giants, speak to God on a mountain top and strike a rock which gushed water for millions of his people. Joshua had to feel a bit inadequate to take over for such a mighty leader so God spoke to him directly. God's instruction wasn't what to do, it was what to think.
"The Law" on this side of the cross is essentially wisdom and instruction. Through the New Testament writers, God continually reminds to keep our minds on Jesus and to put on our new identity in Christ. While there is direct instruction for the New Covenant believer, the instruction we are to engage in the most is mind renewal in our identities in Christ. It's hard for us to accept sometimes but changing the way we think is the only prescription to make actual changes in our lives. Performance based religion makes us think that we change by behaving better but changed behavior only lasts once our thoughts are in alignment with truth.
If we look a little closer at Joshua 1:8 we can see a process:
Keep His instruction in your mouth
Meditate on it day and night
Do what is written
Then you will be prosperous and have success
You can be prosperous and succeed when you follow this process.
Where would you like to experience prosperity and success? How about your marriage, your emotions, with temptation, in parenting, in ministry or even financially.
Find God's instruction that relates to the area you'd like to prosper and succeed then engage this process. It's easy to speak God's instruction and think about it but to meditate on it requires commitment. Not just a time commitment but an emotional commitment.
Keep in mind that transformation is the result of mind renewal. Personally, I see a correlation between Romans 12:2 and Joshua 1:8. They're both saying the same thing, Joshua just gives a little more detail about the process.
God instructs us to speak His Word, think about His Word and emotionally experience (meditate on) His Word. He knows that this is the process of transformation. So I have to ask you, when you meditate on His Word, do you feel it? Do you see yourself in it? Do you gain insight on how to act on it? Are you uplifted and encouraged to have hope for a better future? Does the Word of God touch you in your inner man?
If not, it's time to get to know God a little closer. If you're a believer you're already one with him but you may not presently be experiencing your relationship with him. It's up to you. Take His instruction and do something more with it than just read it.