From That Time On: Living in the Increasing Kingdom of God

From That Time On: Living in the Increasing Kingdom of God

From the time Jesus appeared in Zebulun, the reign of God began to increase, and it has never stopped. Isaiah 9:7 assures us, 'Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.' We are not waiting for His kingdom to begin—it is already advancing.

Jesus declared in Mark 1:15, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.' The kingdom is not shrinking; it is growing, transforming lives, and shaping history. As His image-bearers, we reflect heaven on earth, partnering with God in this unstoppable expansion.

So lift up your eyes. Have hope. Expect the increase. 'The increase of His government has no end!'

Jesus is the Leaven of Heaven, Working His Way Through All Creation

Jesus is the Leaven of Heaven, Working His Way Through All Creation

One of the biggest misconceptions about the kingdom of God is that it’s some distant, intangible place we will only experience after death. Many people have adopted a Gnostic-influenced theology that views this world as hopeless and beyond redemption, believing that life is just about enduring hardship until we finally escape to heaven. But Jesus taught something radically different.