#1 Our Hope of Heaven
“The kingdom of God does not come with outward observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
The Kingdom of Heaven is Real and Present
One of the biggest misconceptions about the kingdom of God is that it’s some distant, intangible place we will only experience after death. Many people have adopted a Gnostic-influenced theology that views this world as hopeless and beyond redemption, believing that life is just about enduring hardship until we finally escape to heaven. But Jesus taught something radically different.
When the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, He responded:
“The kingdom of God does not come with outward observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21)
The kingdom is within us! It is not a “when” or a “where” but a state of being. Just as we can be in a state of fear or a state of peace, we can live in the state of the kingdom right now. It’s not about waiting for an external event to bring the kingdom into our reality—it is about positioning ourselves to live from it now. This means that every challenge we face can be met with the reality of heaven already at work in us. We don’t have to wait for circumstances to change; we shift our awareness to God’s kingdom and let that reality guide our responses.
Jesus Demonstrated the Reality of the Kingdom
Think about how Jesus operated in this world. He wasn’t bound by the limitations of this physical realm. He walked on water, multiplied food, healed the sick, and raised the dead. These weren’t just random acts of power—Jesus was showing us what it looks like when someone fully lives from the reality of the kingdom.
When Jesus needed to cross the sea, He didn’t wait for a boat. He simply walked on the water. What happened in that moment? Did He float? Did the water solidify beneath His feet? Somehow, the reality of heaven superseded the laws of this fallen world, and He walked. That same Spirit that enabled Him to do these things is in us. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is giving life to your mortal body right now! (Romans 8:11)
Miracles are not violations of natural laws; they are simply the manifestation of a higher law. In physics, we see different sets of laws at play—Newtonian physics governs large-scale objects, while quantum physics governs subatomic particles. Scientists still struggle to reconcile the two. In the same way, the kingdom of God operates by a higher set of laws that can affect this natural world. Jesus understood and demonstrated these laws, showing us that they are accessible to those who walk by faith.
The Nature of the Kingdom: A Force Like Gravity
To help us grasp the reality of the unseen realm, let’s consider the electromagnetic spectrum. The visible light we see is only a small part of a much larger reality that includes radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t real or affecting us.
In the same way, the kingdom of God is here, right now. You may not always perceive it, but it is present and active. Love is a force like gravity—it is a tangible, spiritual reality. The kingdom of God is constantly working its way through us, much like yeast works through dough:
“The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.” (Matthew 13:33)
Once the leaven is in the dough, it doesn’t have to be convinced to rise—it simply does. In the same way, the kingdom is at work in you. You don’t have to beg God to move; He already has. Your role is simply to position yourself to receive what He has already made available. That’s why living in faith is about trust and surrender, not striving.
The Power of Perspective: Seeing the Kingdom in Everyday Life
How we see our lives determines how we experience the kingdom. A simple shift in perspective can bring heaven into our reality. For example, when my kids make a mess or my wife has a pile of books somewhere I don’t want them, I could choose frustration. But then I remember: If that pile weren’t there, she wouldn’t be here.
That’s a glimpse of heaven. Why? Because gratitude is the atmosphere of heaven. Living in thankfulness opens our hearts to the reality of God’s presence. Paul said:
“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)
Our mindset—our spiritual awareness—determines whether we experience life and peace or frustration and struggle. The kingdom is here, and it is working in us, but we must choose to align our hearts and minds with its reality. That choice makes the difference between living in faith or in fear.
Faith: Tuning into the Right Frequency
Faith is not about convincing God to do something. Faith is about aligning ourselves with what is already true in the unseen realm. Just as radio waves are passing through this room right now, but we need a receiver to tune into them, we must “tune in” to the reality of the kingdom through faith.
Paul tells us:
“Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ (that is, to bring Christ down from above) or, ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? ‘The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’ (that is, the word of faith which we preach).” (Romans 10:6-8)
The kingdom is already here. It’s not something you have to strive for—it’s something you simply receive by faith. When we believe, we activate what is already present.
Final Thoughts: Living with Expectation
My goal in this series is to shift your thinking—to raise your expectations so that you begin to expect the supernatural as a natural part of your life.
We serve a God who is infinitely powerful, yet intimately personal. He is not waiting for us to convince Him to move—He is already moving. The question is, are we tuning in? Are we walking in faith? Are we living with an expectation that heaven is working in and through us?
So as we continue in this series, let’s make a decision:
To become more aware of the Spirit within us.
To expect the supernatural in our daily lives.
To walk in faith and gratitude, knowing that heaven is already here.
Jesus, we trust You. We believe in the reality of Your kingdom. Help us to tune our hearts to the frequency of Your Spirit so that we reflect heaven into this world. Amen.