from A Heart Like God's series
“for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”
The Logos took on flesh and became the man Jesus. When you look at Jesus, you’re seeing God’s wisdom and understanding embodied. The best way to know God is through Jesus, who is the living Word. Jesus not only came to reveal God to us but also to dwell within us. His Spirit lives in us, and through Him, we lack nothing.
Faith, then, is a response to God. We often think faith is something we have to muster up to get God to move, but faith is really about recognizing what God has already given us. It’s not about trying to force God’s hand but aligning our hearts with what He’s already done. When we pray or fast, it’s to condition our inner selves to live within the power He’s already placed in us.
Faith isn’t something we do to get God to act; it’s our response to what He’s done. Scripture says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” If Jesus were to stand in front of you and say, "I promise you healing, or provision, or deliverance," would you believe Him? Of course. But that same promise is in the Word of God, and it’s just as powerful as if He were physically present. The Word is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, and it’s meant to bear fruit in our lives.
The issue we often face is that our hearts can become dull. Disappointments, fears, and past traumas can cloud our ability to see God’s promises clearly. But God has given us a new heart, one that is designed to align with His will and statutes. Our job is to guard our hearts and keep them receptive to His Word so that it can bear fruit.
Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God using parables, and He explained that the Word of God is like seed sown in different types of soil. The condition of our hearts determines whether the Word will be fruitful. It’s not about external behaviors or trying to get God to act—it’s about letting the Word take root and grow within us.
To live a fruitful Christian life, we need to let the Word of God be fruitful in us. We don’t need to beg God to do something; we need to align our hearts with what He’s already done. Faith is about trusting in His character and promises. When we do this, we allow His Spirit to work in us, transforming us and making us more like Him.
So, where are the eyes of your heart focused? What evidence are you gathering to trust God in the areas of your life that need transformation? The Word of God is in you to bear fruit—guard your heart, build your faith, and judge Him faithful. As you do, you’ll receive the strength to conceive and see the promises of God come to life in your experience.
Hebrews 11:3 tells us that "through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God." Faith allows us to see beyond the natural world into the spiritual reality that God has established. Sarah, in verse 11, received strength to conceive because "she judged Him faithful who had promised." Here we see the critical connection between faith and trust in God's character. Sarah's faith was not in her own ability but in God's faithfulness to fulfill His word.
Do You Judge Him Faithful?
Faith is deeply tied to our perception of God’s character. If you judge Him faithful to what He has promised, then your heart is aligned with His truth. Consider the promises He has made in His Word. What are you expecting based on those promises? Are you confident that He will fulfill them? Romans 8:32 assures us that God, who did not spare His own Son, will also "graciously give us all things." If He has given us Jesus, how can we doubt His willingness to fulfill other promises?
Faith and Gratitude Go Hand in Hand
Are you thankful? Gratitude is a powerful tool in building faith. When you acknowledge what God has already done for you, it strengthens your trust in Him for what He will do. If Jesus were to ask you, "What would you like for Me to do for you?" how would you respond? More importantly, do you believe that it would happen? The way we respond to His promises in the Word should be no different from how we would respond if He were standing in front of us physically.
The difference is not in His ability or His willingness to fulfill the promise but in how we hear His Word. Jesus said in Matthew 13:13 that some people see and hear but do not perceive or understand. Why? Because their hearts have grown dull. The issue lies in how we hear and receive His Word. If our hearts are open, we can perceive His promises clearly and allow faith to take root.
Creation Declares His Faithfulness
If you need reassurance, look around at the world God has created. Nature itself testifies to God's provision and faithfulness. Consider the birds, the squirrels, the very air you breathe. Every breath you take sets off a cascade of processes in your body, supplying oxygen to your organs, strengthening your immune system, and supporting healthy thoughts and emotions. Just as God has created your body to function in this intricate balance, He has also created a spiritual system that supplies you with all you need for life and godliness.
Your spiritual life is no different. The Logos of God, His Word, is planted within you and gives life to your spirit, guiding you in wisdom and aligning your steps with His purpose. The world around us may be chaotic, but the state of Christ in you is greater than the state of the world.
Faith Requires Discipline
We often live disconnected from our awareness of the spiritual dimension, but the spiritual realm is not something we access only in moments of need. It is a constant source of health, wisdom, healing, and life. Just as you cannot drug your way into physical health, you cannot shortcut your way to spiritual maturity. It takes discipline. Faith must be cultivated, just like health is maintained through proper diet and exercise.
Faith is a response to who God is, not merely what He can do. To increase faith, we must do whatever it takes to see God clearly—not based on our circumstances but based on His character, His track record, and His self-revelation. Faith is built when we continually look to Him and trust in His faithfulness.
What You Feed Your Mind Shapes Your Faith
Just as what you eat affects your physical health, what you think on affects your spiritual health. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. What are you focusing on? Are you feeding your faith by meditating on God's promises? If you see Him as generous and faithful toward you, you will begin to reflect those qualities in your own life.
If you struggle to believe, look to Jesus. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ are the ultimate demonstration of God's character and His commitment to you. As you meditate on the cross, you will see that God is not only able but willing to fulfill His promises.
Let Christ’s Life Grow in You
You can receive what you allow to flow through you. Often, we try to initiate spiritual growth by our own efforts, but Jesus tells us that faith and its fruit are the work of His Spirit in us. Our job is to guard our hearts, to ensure that the soil of our lives is fertile for His Spirit to grow fruit abundantly.
As we focus on Christ—His love, His generosity, His forgiveness—the fruit of His Spirit grows in us. This is how we perceive and live out the reality of God's Kingdom. By faith, we see the unseen, and by faith, we allow His life to flow through us, impacting every area of our lives.
We are blessed to see and hear what many righteous men and prophets longed to see (Matthew 13:16-17). Now that we have Christ in us, we must guard our hearts so that the fruit of His Spirit will grow and manifest in all areas of our lives.
Perceive His Kingdom by faith, and trust in His character.
This message and article are from “A Heart Like God’s” series by Clint Byars. Click to read all the articles and watch the sermons in this series from this series. Or watch this series on YouTube.