“casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”
Your brain might betray you, but the Word of God never will. Wouldn’t it be nice if your thoughts were always in alignment with the Word of God? You’d always know God’s perspective on any matter. You can experience this, but it takes some effort.
As we think in our hearts, so are we. The abiding thoughts of our inner self are shaping our lives more than anything else. The thoughts you dwell on and allow to become the driving agents of your choices and decisions determine whether or not you are following God or not.
If your thoughts are negative or not aligned with God's ways, they will lead you away from what He wants to establish in your life. When your thought patterns are more influenced by the logic in this world than what God says is true and possible, you experience a form of death. But when your thoughts align with what God thinks about a matter, you are open to allowing Him to establish His will in your life, and it will be life and peace for you.
You must agree with God in your heart and mind, regardless of your feelings. No matter how much it contradicts your current circumstances. No matter how impossible it may seem. If your habitual thought patterns are not based on God's truth and what he says should be, you must change that way of thinking at all costs. If you don't, you will eat the fruit of death in one way or another.
There are many ways to reign in your thoughts and bring them under your control. You can begin by paying attention to what you are thinking at the top of each hour and walk through the Philippians 4:8 process. "Is how I'm thinking about this true, honorable, and just? Am I looking for the good? Am I in faith or doubt? Am I currently believing that Jesus can help me with this right now? And what do I need to think instead of what I have been thinking so I align with God's ways of truth and possibility?"
If you can make it a practice of capturing and controlling your thoughts so they're in faith toward God, in alignment with your identity in Christ, and based on what Jesus accomplished in obedience, you are on the path of life, and God's Word WILL come to pass in your life.
Be careful that you don't choose confusion as you attempt to bring your thoughts under control. It will be easy to tell yourself you don't know how to do it or you don't know what to do but don't allow yourself to be deceived. The Holy Spirit is with you. You have a Bible. You know what Jesus did. Put your thoughts there and hold them there until it changes what you feel and believe is possible.
Or, keep thinking the way you're thinking now and never change. It's your choice.
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