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“Ignorance is the soil in which the seeds of destruction are sown”
This video is two messages in one, from Mike Crane and myself. Mike Crane is an elder at Forward Church and a former Georgia Senator.
Mike brings a powerful word about our responsibility as influencers of society. I go on to point out the prophetic nature of Mike’s message regarding our responsibility as citizens of Heaven and as citizens of the United States. Both of us address the current possibility of the overturning of Roe vs Wade and the state of abortion in our nation.
If we’re going to be a light in this nation for the ways of God, we must lead with love and not condemnation. Along the way, love educates. It’s up to us as the church to bring the ways of God to our nation in a way that is challenging but also loving.
I personally want to rightly represent God in the earth, in every way I can in every area I can. I have no hope for politicians to legislate righteousness, but I do have hope for believers in positions of influence to make good decisions that protect life.
This is a difficult issue for many people to discuss, especially those who have had an abortion. If you have had an abortion or been involved in the decision that resulted in abortion, there is healing and forgiveness for you.
If you are pro-choice, I don’t judge you or want to pick a fight with you, I only ask that you allow those of us who want to protect innocent life to stand up for what we believe is a godly pursuit.
I pray this sermon is a blessing to you but also challenges you to no longer stay silent as our nation becomes more subjected to ungodly ideas and influences.
Sara and I pray our resources are a blessing to you. If Forward Ministries has enriched your walk with Jesus, please consider supporting the work and help us continue to Change The Way The World Sees God!!