
Be Transparent Before God If You Want to Change

Be Transparent Before God If You Want to Change

God has purified our spirits by the blood of Christ, and he has given us a new heart. But we must keep our hearts clear before the Lord. Not to be accepted, but to stay sensitive to His Lordship and leadership in our lives. Walk with us through Psalm 19 and discover the power of honesty before the Lord. He's on your side but we must be submitted to His precepts in our hearts. Discover the power of allowing God to test your heart.

Be Honest with God and Yourself If You Want to Change

Be Honest with God and Yourself If You Want to Change

Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; 24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in an everlasting way.

You must be honest with yourself if you want to consistently hear and follow God. God speaks the language of truth. His leading will always be rooted in truth. If there is any self-deception in your heart, you will miss God and blame Him for the troubles you brought on yourself. If we're not honest with ourselves we will not be submissive to God's truth when it arises in our hearts. We'll hold on to our justifications and excuses and reinforce the death in our lives. In this sermon we will journey together through allowing God to search our hearts and reveal to us areas where we are hindering his grace in our lives.