“The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.”
In the beginning, before time and space existed, there was God, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). Everything that exists was created by Him, for Him, and through Him (Colossians 1:16). The universe, with its trillions of galaxies and stars, is just a small part of God's infinite existence. His rule and reign transcend infinitely beyond the created realm.
God decided to create a planet in the center of a solar system in the middle of this universe and fill it with all kinds of living creatures. But He had a special plan for this planet. He created a species of being that was like Him and gave them rule and reign over the planet and realm. As Jesus said, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?" (John 10:34).
This planet and everything on it were created for Jesus (Romans 11:36). God predestined that He would populate the planet with a group of people who were like Him in the beginning, autonomous with free will to choose good from evil. Through one facet of Himself manifesting in the earth, He would bring restoration to what those image-bearers broke. His plan included that they could be transformed into that same facet of the Son and inherit the right to become His children.
Jesus came to carry out that plan. He showed us how those image-bearers should be operating on the planet. The planet is an extension of God's kingdom, but He put His image bearers in charge of it. He wanted to rule this realm through His image bearers, but we introduced sin and death.
But God's plan included the destruction of sin and death by reconnecting His rule and reign to this realm through Christ. God united Himself to us so we can co-rule with Him and yield to His authority and leadership. So we are joint heirs with Jesus. We are now God's co-rulers on this planet. Mankind still has dominion, but God has made where his infinite realm can impact and restore this realm through his image bearers. We are to announce the GOOD NEWS that God's Kingdom is now here. It was planted here in Christ and will continue to grow to the increase of His government/kingdom, there shall be no end.
There are currently wheat and weeds in the earth, but one day that will change. Until then, we are sent into the world as Jesus was sent, to rule and reign as He modeled when He was here. This is what Peter was excited about in Acts 2 when he talked about the restoration of all things.
God's rule and reign have been established and will continue to increase. Let's have a restorative view of the future, not a fatalist view. Until the end, there will be weeds in this realm, but His rule and reign will continue to grow. Announce the GOOD NEWS that God's Kingdom is here, and we display it by bearing fruit, walking in love, and ministering in power. Let's be about His kingdom and not be overwhelmed by the weeds.