This weekend I spoke about the Vision of our church. My church’s vision and my personal vision for ministry are very similar. While I’m part of Forward Church, serving my community through that role, I also have a personal vision for my ministry beyond my role as pastor of Forward Church.
The big picture is to change the way people see God. I do that by bringing people to wholeness through God’s love and helping them establish their hearts in grace.
I want people to change the way they see God by helping them put their views and opinions about God through a new covenant lens. We must first look to Jesus to understand God’s heart toward mankind. Too many people still think it’s a good thing to be afraid of God, that believers still have a sin nature, that God will judge you for your sin, that God won’t put more on you than you can bare and that their righteousness is related to their behavior. I want to help people detox from those legalistic and unscriptural beliefs. Most of my teachings cover these topics, I hope you are taking advantage of all the free messages I’ve posted.
Watch my full Vision Sunday 2019 message…
Forward Church
Because of this vision, Forward Church is growing. People are hungry for the Gospel. Every church preaches the Gospel in some form with some degree of regularity, we just choose to focus on it. We truly just want to know Jesus and him crucified and camp out on the power of the message of the cross.
We have almost outgrown our current facility. We’ll be switching to 2 Sunday morning gatherings soon but we can’t squeeze much more out of our current facility. We are actively looking at property and buildings so we’re ready once the finances are in place. Everything we’ve done until now has been debt free, we prefer to stay debt free.
We feel the wisest step is to create a building fund and invest into it for all of 2019. At the end of 2019 we’ll evaluate the response and weigh out options. I pray that you participate this year as we put our hearts out there in expectation of increase.
Partner with us today! Follow the link and set up a recurring donation to our Building Project.
We are also very active in Kenya. Our pastor in Kenya has just planted his second Forward Church! We now have locations in Rongai and Rangwe! Pastors George and Leah Odero are rooted deeply in the finished work of Jesus. Pastor George has recently connected with our work in the East Pokot region where there are thousands of Pokot villagers who have not heard the Gospel.
We send monthly support to Forward Church Kenya. We also regularly fund projects such as church building maintenance, pastoral training meetings, missions to Pokot regions and more. If you have a passion to see unreached people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus, trust me, this work is doing exactly that.
![List of 100 Attributes of the Identity of Jesus - As You Behold Him You Become Like Him](