discovergiftsandassignmentseries — Christian Growth & Healing Insights | Forward Ministries

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Finish Your Race and Fulfill Your Assignment from God

Finish Your Race and Fulfill Your Assignment from God

God is building his church and you have a significant role to fulfill. Do you know your assignment in the body of Christ? God didn’t create you to do a job for him, he created you to be his child, plain and simple. Acknowledge God as your Father and Christ as your savior and purpose is fulfilled.

However, now that you’re in his family, he has an assignment for you, some people call this a calling. You can accept or decline the assignment, it’s your choice. God will not change his mind about you nor will he revoke your access to Heaven if you don’t fulfill your assignment, but don’t you want to complete what he wants you to do?

You may have multiple assignments throughout your time on earth as a member of his body. Your assignments may be as simple as being kind to strangers but it may also be serving as a missionary to a hostile nation where you lose your life, or any number of assignments in between. Either way, he has equipped you with his spirit, he continually leads you and he will be your peace as you work out the details.

The Gift of Tongues Aligns Creation to Reflect God's Will

The Gift of Tongues Aligns Creation to Reflect God's Will

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. ~ Max Planck - Nobel Prize in Physics winner, Originator of Quantum Theory

I like to understand things from a scientific perspective, even spiritual things. I think we can apply the rules of science to matters of the spirit, we just have to think spiritually to understand the conclusions. There is a consistent physics to spirit. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. I believe that the spirit of God within us will teach us the physics of Heaven as we trust God and grow in our identity in Him.

The spiritual spectrum is accessible now. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand, it is within. It is absolutely possible to understand the spiritual spectrum through our scientific understanding of the created world.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

This perspective does not put God in a box and it’s not trying to intellectualize spiritual matters, it actually demystifies spiritual realities and helps us interact with God’s spirit in a practical way. I don’t know about you but I’m not satisfied with interesting ideas about God’s power, I want to see results.

Can You Evolve Spiritually? Demystifying the Gifts of the Spirit.

Can You Evolve Spiritually? Demystifying the Gifts of the Spirit.

I used to sit on my roof, smoking marijuana, trying to send mental signals to UFOs to pick me up and take me on a trip to the Pleiades. I often used psychedelics to “expand my mind” and help me connect with the multiverse. I had a theory that I was more connected with other dimensions while I was on LSD. While I thought I was becoming more spiritual and increasing my awareness, it was actually leading me to a very dark place. I began to hear audible voices and had a direct, open encounter with multiple demons that lasted for months. This article isn’t about that encounter, it’s about the mindset that facilitated the encounter.

The Five Fold Ministry and God's Church

The Five Fold Ministry and God's Church

God is building His church in the earth today. His church is also known as the Body of Christ. Every single Jesus follower has an assignment within God’s church or Christ’s body, including you. Some roles are formal while other roles may not even be recognized by the traditional church. I want you to know that you are important, you belong, and God has an assignment for you that brings Him glory and causes you to experience fulfillment.

The Unknown Healer: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

The Unknown Healer: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

The word “gift” is the Greek word charisma. The root word is charis, which is the word for “grace.” Charisma is charis in action. This makes sense when you understand the true definition and function of GRACE. Grace is unmerited favor but it also means “God’s divine influence in your heart.” Grace also means “capacity.” The idea is this, God will empower you in your inner man, your heart. He empowers you to do the things that His spirit is able to do, things you can’t do in your own strength. Things like live holy, heal people, function as a prophet, be righteous, all of which are empowerments (gifts) of His spirit.

A Condemnation-Free Heart Has Great Faith

A Condemnation-Free Heart Has Great Faith

Would you like a formula to develop great faith? The kind of faith that can raise the dead and help people experience miraculous healing? The truth is, there is no formula, but there are some necessary components to great faith. #1 key ingredient to developing great faith is to live a life where your heart doesn’t condemn you. #2 ingredient is to keep Christ’s commandments. #3 is intentionally love people. Before you think I’m presenting a legalistic formula that’s based on performance, heart me out, I’m actually talking about what’s going on in your heart and how to develop confidence toward God in your heart, or your inner man.