
A List of All the Miracles of Jesus

A List of All the Miracles of Jesus

Jesus performed miracles primarily out of deep compassion for people and a genuine concern for their well-being, both physically and spiritually. His miracles were not just displays of divine power; they were acts of love and mercy, addressing the immediate needs of those around Him.

One clear example of this is the feeding of the 5,000, where Jesus, moved by compassion, provided food for a large crowd that had been following Him and listening to His teachings. He understood their hunger and physical needs and acted to meet them, ensuring they would not go hungry. This miracle, like many others, was a tangible expression of His care for people, reflecting His desire to provide for them and to reveal God’s abundant love and provision.

Moreover, Jesus' miracles often pointed to a deeper spiritual truth: that just as He provided bread for the hungry, He also offered Himself as the "bread of life" to satisfy the spiritual hunger of the world. His miracles were signs that pointed to His identity as the Messiah, who came to bring healing, hope, and salvation to a broken and needy world. Through these acts, Jesus demonstrated that God's kingdom is one of compassion, justice, and love, where all needs are met, and no one is left wanting.

The Unknown Healer: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

The Unknown Healer: Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

The word “gift” is the Greek word charisma. The root word is charis, which is the word for “grace.” Charisma is charis in action. This makes sense when you understand the true definition and function of GRACE. Grace is unmerited favor but it also means “God’s divine influence in your heart.” Grace also means “capacity.” The idea is this, God will empower you in your inner man, your heart. He empowers you to do the things that His spirit is able to do, things you can’t do in your own strength. Things like live holy, heal people, function as a prophet, be righteous, all of which are empowerments (gifts) of His spirit.

A Condemnation-Free Heart Has Great Faith

A Condemnation-Free Heart Has Great Faith

Would you like a formula to develop great faith? The kind of faith that can raise the dead and help people experience miraculous healing? The truth is, there is no formula, but there are some necessary components to great faith. #1 key ingredient to developing great faith is to live a life where your heart doesn’t condemn you. #2 ingredient is to keep Christ’s commandments. #3 is intentionally love people. Before you think I’m presenting a legalistic formula that’s based on performance, heart me out, I’m actually talking about what’s going on in your heart and how to develop confidence toward God in your heart, or your inner man.

The Baptism of the Spirit is Our Adoption Process

The Baptism of the Spirit is Our Adoption Process

Most of us think of power when we think about the baptism of/in the spirit. We immediately think of praying in tongues and power to do miracles. While this is a byproduct of being baptized in the spirit there is another reason for the baptism. The main reason God immerses you in his spirit is to purify, cleanse and sanctify you so he can live in you and make you his eternal child. The baptism of the spirit is the adoption process we go through to be changed into righteous and eternal children of God.