
A Condemnation-Free Heart Has Great Faith

A Condemnation-Free Heart Has Great Faith

Would you like a formula to develop great faith? The kind of faith that can raise the dead and help people experience miraculous healing? The truth is, there is no formula, but there are some necessary components to great faith. #1 key ingredient to developing great faith is to live a life where your heart doesn’t condemn you. #2 ingredient is to keep Christ’s commandments. #3 is intentionally love people. Before you think I’m presenting a legalistic formula that’s based on performance, heart me out, I’m actually talking about what’s going on in your heart and how to develop confidence toward God in your heart, or your inner man.

Why Isn't Everyone Healed? The Answer May Offend You.

Why Isn't Everyone Healed? The Answer May Offend You.

God’s promises that are available in Christ are various and plentiful, touching on just about every aspect of life. Promises of salvation, provision, guidance, peace, health, and much more. The availability and application of the promises in Christ are universal. I am going to use the example of health in this article. As I discuss health and healing, think about which promise relates to you.

All believers believe that God can heal. All Jesus followers agree that Jesus healed people. But we disagree on whether God always wants everyone fully healed. If you don’t believe healing is God’s will, prepare to be offended, heck, you might even get offended if you do believe healing is God’s will.

All of us that believe healing is for today have seen some people healed and others not, why? There are only two stories in the New Testament that address the “why.”

Pray from Christ's Finished Work

Pray from Christ's Finished Work

Prayer changes things. Prayer changes us, it changes the world around us, it changes people, but it doesn’t change God. Prayer doesn’t cause God to respond and give you what you want. God doesn’t have anything else to give to you. The only thing God has left to give you is wisdom, revelation and guidance on how to live within everything he’s already given you.

Which Eyes Are You Using?

Which Eyes Are You Using?

You have two sets of eyes, the ones in your head and the ones in your heart. The eyes in your head see the outer world while the eyes of your heart can see God. However, the eyes of your heart can also focus on your outer world, which is not a good thing.

The obvious goal is to keep the eyes of your heart focused on God, who lives in you and is not separate from you. This is walking by faith, this is how you look not at the world but at the unseen, this is how you set your heart on things above, this is how you have great faith, and this is how you stay in perfect peace. The list goes on and on, I bet you can find several more.