Have a Swig of Righteousness for Your Thirsty Soul

Have a Swig of Righteousness for Your Thirsty Soul

How does righteousness satisfy your soul?

Your soul craves emotional and spiritual drink. The body craves physical drink. When your soul is thirsty and you try to quench it with physical or emotional drink from the world, you’ll always be unsatisfied. But if you drink of spiritual drink when your soul is thirsty, you will always be satisfied.

The world has plenty of physical and emotional stuff to drink, water, wine, juice, whiskey, as well as fear, worry, temporary relief, and possibly even temporary happiness. But the thirst always comes back. Righteousness is the only thing that can satisfy a soul.

The Subtlety of Fear - A Message for Men

The Subtlety of Fear - A Message for Men

We don’t realize it but we make many of our decisions out of fear, especially men. We don’t necessarily feel afraid, we’re now sitting in the corner balled up biting our nails, we don’t have chills running down our spine, but we have let fear constrict our willingness to stand on God’s promises because of fear associated with responsibility.

Responsibility, that’s mostly a good thing but it can cause us to limit our interaction with God. This, of course, applies to women but I feel it on my heart to talk to men this week.

My man, you’re doing a good job — you’re paying your bills, you’re trying to be a good dad, you’re treating your wife as lovingly as you can, you’re working at your job to make your boss happy so you can have a shot at that promotion, you’re voting for the right issues, you’re trying to take care of your body, you’re investing for your children’s future, and so on. There’s only one problem with all that, God isn’t in that “list.”

In fact, the last thing men want is more responsibility. Unfortunately, men try to go to church and get another list of rules. They’re pressured into serving and being made to feel like their love for sports or fishing gets in the way of living for God. It’s no wonder male church attendance has declined.

But men, I have a few more things to say. Many of us feel like we don’t have time for church, which is fine, but do you have time for God?

When you’re making your budget, or you’re pondering your job and how you can make more money, or when you’re thinking about your kids, do you leave some time to get God’s heart on the matter? Do you take time to find a passage in scripture that relates to your specific areas of responsibility in life?

The Secret of Kingdom Seeds

The Secret of Kingdom Seeds

Jesus said “pay attention to the word you hear.” That doesn’t mean listen really hard, that means attend to it. If you have a garden, you don’t pay attention to it by looking at it, you get your hands dirty by tilling the soil, watering the seeds, eradicating pests and uprooting invasive plant species.

“Paying attention” to the word of God that you plant in your heart means you need to make sure you’re watering it. Stay in faith. Make sure you are thinking how God thinks about your life. Pray and meditate, include God’s logic in your thought processes. Change the way you’re thinking about your circumstances and see God’s possibilities and promises.

Paying attention has more to do with the meditation of your heart than the function of your ears or eyes.

From Expositor’s Greek Testament

There shall be given over and above, not to those who hear (T. R., τοῖς ἀκούουσιν), but to those who think on what they hear. This thought introduces Mark 4:25, which, in this connection, means: the more a man thinks the more he will understand, and the less a man thinks the less his power of understanding will become. “Whoso hath attention, knowledge will be given to him, and from him who hath not, the seed of knowledge will be taken. For as diligence causes that seed to grow, negligence destroys it,” Euthy.

How to Hear God: A Lesson from George Washington Carver and the Peanut

How to Hear God: A Lesson from George Washington Carver and the Peanut

George Washington Carver is credited with saving the agricultural economy of the rural South. From his work at Tuskegee, Carver developed approximately 300 products made from peanuts; these included: flour, paste, insulation, paper, wall board, wood stains, soap, shaving cream and skin lotion. Carver is also credited with the innovation of crop rotation.

Cotton was the primary crop in the South in the early 1900’s but cotton depleted the soil. Carver knew that peanuts replenished soil and tried to convince his constituents to plant a harvest of peanuts in between cotton yields so the cotton harvest would be more bountiful. The only problem, peanuts were not a profitable crop, which led George Washington Carver to the woods. Why the woods?

All my life, I have risen regularly at four in the morning to go into the woods and talk with God. That’s where He reveals His secrets to me. When everybody else is asleep, I hear God best and learn my plan… ~ George Washington Carver

Expand Your Tents and Make Room for God to Move

Expand Your Tents and Make Room for God to Move

All things are possible for those who believe, and we believe with our hearts (Romans 10:10). Your heart or inner man is paramount in experiencing God in this life. God wants you to increase the capacity of your heart to trust him so he can move through you in greater ways and see the impossible come to pass. The more confident you are in his character and his word, the more you are able to allow him to do through you. And what he wants to do is increase and enrich you in every way so you can be generous in every way.

2 Corinthians 9:10 He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

God’s goal is to have a nation of priests in the earth who lead people to Jesus and disciple those people in God’s ways so his kingdom will increase in the earth.

Being Made Rich Through Generosity

Being Made Rich Through Generosity

In this article I address old covenant tithing vs new covenant generosity and how the church should handle offerings.

Should You Tithe?

No, you shouldn’t, you should be generous though. You are under no obligation to give any percentage of your income as a qualification for atonement, favor or blessing under the New Covenant.

There is no penalty or curse for not giving. You’re free!! Plain and simple. There is no law to keep, but you do have a new heart that is designed for generosity. In fact, generosity from this new heart tunes the rest of your being to hear and follow God into blessing and long life. Generosity produces a harvest that affords you to be a blessing any time you want to.

2 Corinthians 9:6 Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed

God loves a grumpy giver too, he’d just rather you be happy about it. Happy giving reflects a heart that trust in God for provision instead of a heart that feels like it’s losing something by giving money away.

Should You Give?

Yes, generously! Why? To take care of widows, orphans and those in legitimate need. You should also give toward the work of ministry. You should do those things as you’ve purposed in your own heart rather than out of guilt or obligation. Check out Paul’s thoughts on church members giving to their local body.

1 Corinthians 16:1 Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. 2 On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. 3 Then, when I arrive, I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem. 4 If it seems advisable for me to go also, they will accompany me.

Paul is encouraging the Corinthian church to give a fixed percentage of their income on a weekly basis. It should be used to support those preaching and teaching as well as for those in need in the church. Those collections should also be designated for missions to spread the Gospel.

By the way, this a very straight forward article, I’m highlighting Paul’s thoughts about money under the New Covenant. It’s up to you how you incorporate these facts into your personal financial life.

I know many of you don’t have a church you can call home in your community. We humbly invite you to be part of our online church body, we’ll do our best to stay as connected as possible, but you’ll have access to all the same resources as our local body.

Wisdom and Discretion Will Watch Over You

Wisdom and Discretion Will Watch Over You

You can trust your decisions and walk in confidence. You don’t have to second guess everything or stress yourself out if you’re walking in the will of God. God is not holding wisdom and instruction from you, he freely gives them to all who will listen. What it does it take to have your ear tuned to his voice? What does it take for your heart to be receptive to his leading? Walking upright, with integrity, being a loyal and dependable person. These character traits do not earn the favor of God, they create the right environment inwardly to hear God. God speaks in the frequency of purity, righteousness, uprightness and so on, you will hear him and follow him effortlessly when your inner world matches the frequency of his voice.

Guard Against Thoughts That Plant Bad Seeds

Guard Against Thoughts That Plant Bad Seeds

Have you see the images from the Face App that’s going around? This app makes you look old. You upload a photo of yourself and it gives you options to make yourself look old, and it looks incredibly realistic. I noticed that it was mostly people under 40 posting their “old photos” on social media, those of us over 40 didn’t seem to want to see what we looked like…LOL.

I didn’t care to see myself as an old person, not because of any superficial issue, but because of what’s going on in my life right now. I didn’t want to see myself that way because I didn’t want to have to fight off the thoughts that may have come along with seeing myself that way.

Here’s the issue, my mom is fighting cancer right now. My dad passed from cancer back in 2014, and we have lost two dearly loved church members on the last year to cancer. I knew that if I looked at myself as old I would look like my dad and I feared the kinds of emotions and thoughts that image might produce.

Examine Yourself to Find Faith Not Sin

Examine Yourself to Find Faith Not Sin

Toxic Christianity encourages self-examination that keeps one bound by guilt and shame. Toxic self-examination is comes from a misunderstanding of Paul’s admonishment of the church at Corinth. Because of this misunderstanding, millions of Christians for ages have been deprived the power of Communion.

Have you ever not taken communion because you committed a sin that week and you were afraid something bad might happen if you took it? Have you ever been told to examine yourself and see if your heart was right with God before taking communion? Have you ever believed that you might go to hell for taking communion with sin in your life? Those are all horrendous heresies that place the focus on the believers works-righteousness rather than on the body of Christ and what he went through on our behalf.

The Gift of Tongues Aligns Creation to Reflect God's Will

The Gift of Tongues Aligns Creation to Reflect God's Will

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. ~ Max Planck - Nobel Prize in Physics winner, Originator of Quantum Theory

I like to understand things from a scientific perspective, even spiritual things. I think we can apply the rules of science to matters of the spirit, we just have to think spiritually to understand the conclusions. There is a consistent physics to spirit. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. I believe that the spirit of God within us will teach us the physics of Heaven as we trust God and grow in our identity in Him.

The spiritual spectrum is accessible now. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand, it is within. It is absolutely possible to understand the spiritual spectrum through our scientific understanding of the created world.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

This perspective does not put God in a box and it’s not trying to intellectualize spiritual matters, it actually demystifies spiritual realities and helps us interact with God’s spirit in a practical way. I don’t know about you but I’m not satisfied with interesting ideas about God’s power, I want to see results.