The Kingdom has Begun
I’m in the midst of a series about the Kingdom of God. In my last article I established that Daniel and Isaiah prophesied about the coming kingdom. They both confirm that this kingdom will have no end once it comes to earth. Then John verifies that Jesus is the rock that becomes the mountain that grows and consumes the whole world.
The conclusion is that the kingdom of God was brought to earth by Jesus, it began to be established through him, it’s continued to be established through us and it will never end. This raises many questions. The question I’d like to address is “how do we experience or live in this kingdom now?”
Repent and Believe
Living in God’s Kingdom starts with repentance, or changing your mind. Jesus said the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the good news that the kingdom is at hand. He went on to say several things about the kingdom.
Here’s a streamline version of what Jesus said about God’s Kingdom…
You’re going to have to change the way you think because the kingdom is now here, I am the great light that shines in Zebulun and I’m beginning the process of bringing all things in heaven and earth together in me so God’s kingdom will grow and take over all creation. This kingdom won’t come down from Heaven and it won’t be built using external, worldly constructs, it’s in you now. It is increasing and it will never stop increasing.
God places his spirit in us when we believe, that spirit will give us wisdom and revelation so we will experience his fulness in this life.
God Will Speak to You
God will speak to you and lead you to make decisions that will produce spiritual fruit. Jesus said this about how his spirit would speak to you…
John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
God’s spirit will not only tell you things, he’ll empower you to take action in those things.
Ephesians 1:16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers 17 and asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him. 18 I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, 19a and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe.
I’m building up to a point, you can receive and put into practice consistent wisdom and revelation from God. It may take time to train your heart to recognize his voice. It may take time to discipline yourself to quit asking for thinks and simply acknowledge his character, but if you do, you will build a fruitful life full of righteousness, peace, joy and the fruits of the spirit.
Knowledge, Wisdom & Revelation
KNOWLEDGE in simply knowing information.
WISDOM is the practical application of knowledge.
REVELATION is when the eyes of your heart are enlightened, meaning you see a way to apply knowledge in a new way or for a specific issue.
Revelation is the Greek word apokalypsis, which means to uncover, lay bare, make naked, instruction. The idea is that something becomes clear to you along with the instruction to apply it or DO it. Grace folks need to get over their fear of the word DO, it’s a vital aspect of transformation.
Revelation is not necessarily when God decides to give you new knowledge or information, it’s when your heart sees an aspect of God and what he’s already placed in you through Christ. Revelation is when you see the finished work of Christ in a deeper way or in a more specific way that can be applied to your life. But it must be acted upon to grow in that way of life.
“Revelation is when your heart can see and apply what it could not previously see”
Revelation is not an endless pursuit of mystery, it’s an ever deepening relationship through which God glorifies himself and moves through you with your collaboration.
Revelation is two-fold; it comes when you have placed attention, time and study in an area and increased your knowledge and understanding. God will use that knowledge to enlighten the eyes of your heart so you are persuaded in faith and it moves beyond just information. Then God helps you understand how to wisely apply that revelation. Revelation is when you see God’s glory, meaning you see things like he sees them.
The reason you don’t allow yourself to receive revelation is because you don’t have the intention to act on what’s being revealed, you won’t let yourself see it. When you are willing to yield to his will, the truth you need will no longer be covered.
You must have the intention to put into practice the insight and fresh revelation you perceive to build consistency. What we typically do is ask God for information or for him to move in “prayer,” then when he answers we sit back and evaluate if we believe it will work. Don’t think you do this? Think of a promise for a specific area of your life, really meditate on it and see if you really believe it. His promises are a perpetual revelation of his will for you, go ahead and receive them as such.
Applying Revelation
Try this process when praying over a specific area of your life, the goal is to hear from God a specific adjustment you need to make or a specific action you need to take. It may come in the form of scripture, a testimony you remember, a visual you perceive, a thought that seems like you own, a remembrance from a sermon, it’s endless really. The point is, once the revelation rises, ACT!
Here’s the process:
Acknowledge God in your heart and spirit
Connect to the emotions of general thankfulness for his presence, whether you feel it or not
Walk through this prayer from Ephesians 3:14-21. Pause a moment after each sentence and let its reality sink in.
I bow my heart to you Father, the God of all mankind and all of creation.
You are my Lord, my God, my Father and my friend.
In this moment, you are strengthening me in my inner man out of your very own glorious and unlimited riches.
You are supplying grace deep within my heart directly from your spirit.
As your spirit strengthens me and influences me with your grace, I make room in my heart for Christ.
I do not limit the degree of influence Christ has within me.
By your spirit, Christ dwells within me, his power is in me, his righteousness is in me, his power is in me, I am alive because he lives through me.
All of this is true because you love me Father. My response is to love you back. I can feel love for you rising up in my heart as a fruit of the love you have planted in me through Christ.
I am one with you. My heart draws on your love for me.
I understand and experience the love you have for me. It is planted in me and extends in every direction from me, making me whole.
As I experience your love for me, my emotions are healed, my physical body is made whole, my mind is renewed to my identity in you.
This love never ends, you never stop pouring your love and grace through me. This love is better than information I could understand about you.
I am at peace. You are at peace with me.
I am filled with your fulness. I am filled with your spirit. I am filled with your love for me and for others. I am complete in you.
You desire good things for me, far beyond anything I can ask for or imagine. I yield to your influence within me. Shape me my lord, mold me into your image Jesus. I trust you. By your power that works in me, I am seeing your will accomplished in my life. I trust that what you want for me and want to do through me is satisfying and rewarding. I love your will for me. I get out of the way to allow you to live through me.
To you be all the glory in this temple that you are building for your glory, amen.
Now be quiet
Notice if your mind drifts to specific areas of your life
Write down any passages that come to mind, or any insight at all regardless of the memory.
Decide in your heart that you will act on this revelation
Make a plan to take steps
Be consistent
If you make this a consistent and disciplined way of prayer for you, you are no longer subjected to trying to decipher God’s will from your external circumstances. Making this shift in prayer places the emphasis on Christ within you and the function of his spirit to lead you in a mature and fruitful way. You will no longer be moved by what you see, you will be moved by the indwelling spirit of God, and he will always move you into life and blessings, for his glory.
This TOOL FOR TRANSFORMATION will help you consistently hear God’s instructions and apply his wisdom.
Length: 20 Minutes